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Copy Editing

Copy Editing for white papers, brochures, annual reports

Our qualified editors can professionally edit any type of fiction, non-fiction, technical, or creative document, including

  • Book manuscripts
  • Business materials
  • White papers
  • Annual reports
  • Presentations
  • Marketing materials
  • Catalogs
  • Brochures
  • Website and other online copy


Whether you've just completed the raw manuscript or are looking to perfect a technical paper, a highly qualified SEEDS editor can be your partner in ensuring that your document communicates your intention clearly and precisely. We can be of help with all your editorial needs, including proofreading, copy-editing, and rewriting services.

Submit your writing for a cost-to-edit review. You may send us either the entire document or part of it, and our editor will provide an estimate. All submissions are confidential and remain the intellectual property of their original author.


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