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Why Print Green?

Green printing helps preserve forests and forest habitats.

  • A forest area the size of 20 football fields is lost every minute to paper production. (
  • The Environmental Defense Fund estimates that 90 percent of the printing and writing paper in the United States is produced from virgin wood pulp. Producing 2,000 pounds (one ton) of virgin uncoated paper requires 6,000 pounds of wood.
  • Producing a ton of paper using 100% post-consumer copy paper rather than virgin pulp saves the equivalent of 24 trees (forty feet in height and 6-8 inches in diameter). (
  • 42% of all the wood harvested for industrial purposes in the world goes to making paper. (
  • The magazine industry harvests more than 30 million trees every year for paper. That's more than one tree every second. (
  • More than 70% of the paper in the world is made from wood taken from forests in regions with ecologically valuable, biologically diverse habitat. (
  • Tree plantations are home to about 90% fewer species than the forests that preceded them. (

Eco-friendly printing helps keep toxic chemicals out of our environment and generates far fewer greenhouse gasses compared to conventional printing.

  • The printing industry is the single largest polluter in the world. It is also the third largest consumer of fossil fuels, after the automobile and steel-manufacturing industries.
  • The pulp and paper industry is the third largest industrial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, after the chemical and steel industries, in the 30 nations of the OECD, of which the US is a member. (
  • Producing a ton of paper using 100% post-consumer copy paper rather than virgin pulp saves 4,100-kilowatt hours of electricity and 60 pounds of air pollution. (Californians Against Waste)

Printing green requires much less water than conventional printing.

  • Producing a ton of virgin uncoated paper requires 19,075 gallons of water. (Environmental Defense Fund)
  • Producing a ton of paper using 100% post-consumer copy paper rather than virgin pulp saves 7,000 gallons of water. (Californians Against Waste)
  • The pulp and paper industry is the largest industrial consumer of water among OECD nations. (
  • Printers use trillions of gallons of water, which then has to be treated because of its toxicity.Green printing reduces the amount of solid waste going into landfills.
  • Producing 2,000 pounds of virgin uncoated paper generates 2,278 pounds of solid waste. In other words, conventional paper production creates more waste than paper. (Environmental Defense Fund)
  • The use of adhesives and foils in some conventional papers renders the final product un-recyclable. Millions of un-recyclable paper products are manufactured every day, all destined to wind up in landfills.

There now are beautiful, conscious, competitively priced environmental alternatives for everything printed!
Seeds Green Printing is Greening the planet…one vibrant, evolved printing project at a time.


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