Who We Are
Seeds Green Printing is a green printing company located on the East Coast in Pittsburgh, PA. with West Coast sales offices in San Diego and San Francisco, California. Seeds Green Printing is comprised of environmentally conscious, creative professionals with 25 years of experience in the fields of printing, design, marketing, writing and editing, personal evolution, transformation, and world-class customer service. We are continually educating ourselves on the latest technologies of environmental printing and advancements in our fields and seeking ways to improve our eco-friendly sustainable services. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our team of green printing professionals. Owner/Founder Jeffrey A. Shaw
The Seeds Green Printing TeamWe have an environmentally committed team of passionate, multi-talented creative professionals including leading-edge graphic and web designers, award-winning editors, marketing wizards, and mail fulfillment and delivery specialists. We are all eager to be of service and support you with all your green marketing projects. |